

Glad you dropped by! You've stumbled upon my place on the net. Maybe by accidence. Maybe by curiosity. Either way you're very much welcome.

As for the visual appearance of this site I recommend using a free Open source web browser like Firefox or Chrome.
They will handle the <html> and <css> the best and give you the most joy.
If you're one of those old school IExplorer users I recommend using the [Clean] style sheet which even IExplorer should manage to handle.

The site

The site is mainly coded by hand in a texteditor so the graphical appearance is somewhat lame. I know. The idea for the future is to have a site completely made in flash. But until I've got the time (to learn more flash) feel free to use the style sheets below to still your graphical abstinence.

Due to construction, only Clean and Retro style sheets are active